A webhook allows one application to share real-time data with another in response to a specific event. webhooks are methods of sending information to third parties. You can automatically transmit real-time data from your vtiger CRM to external systems or applications whenever a specific event takes place by using a webhook application. webhook offers an automated, real-time method for pushing data between systems based on events.
A webhook is automatically pushed to a predefined URL whenever a specific action is triggered. Unlike an API, which requires repeated requests for updates, a webhook actively listens for designated events to occur.
Webhook-based integrations improve the efficiency and seamlessness of extending Vtiger CRM’s functionality. Webhook allows businesses to create tailored workflows and integrations easy to use. webhooks are for the sharing of real-time data and a seamless integration with third-party applications. It is flexible and it supports any system that supports HTTP requests. The integration is inexpensive and easy to implement.
Pre-requisite: To ensure the proper functioning of the Vtiger CRM webhook, PHP cURL must be installed on the server.